Interesting. Even in school when I would hear the Big Bang Theory I would think, well where did the components come from in the first place if there is no creator?
Brother of the Hawk
JoinedPosts by Brother of the Hawk
New Update on Higgs Boson makes front page on Huffington Post
by Pterist inby john heilprin 03/14/13 04:29 pm et edt .
geneva it helps solve one of the most fundamental riddles of the universe: how the big bang created something out of nothing 13.7 billion years ago.. in what could go down as one of the great eureka!
moments in physics and win somebody the nobel prize scientists said thursday that after a half-century quest, they are confident they have found a higgs boson, the elusive subatomic speck sometimes called the "god particle.".
Another New Member
by lriddle80 ini have been out of the "truth" for about 13 years, but 9 of those years i was someone who was out but thinking i would probably go back at some point...out but not all the way out mentally.
my family are still active members and i am a little bit shunned, not invited to family get togethers, that sort of thing.
i was one of those people that left and then did drugs and partied for a while.
Brother of the Hawk
Welcome Iriddle, glad to have you aboard!
Email "Hey Mr. X, We Had A Elder Read A Spoof Story From The Platform!" ROFLMAO!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia indid you ever have elders forget to due their due diligence and read fake stories from the platform?
i got a great email i need to format about several stupid elders and ministerial servants who read spoof jw urban legends from the platform.
big brother said one of the clowns did this while the c.o.
Brother of the Hawk
Oh yeah. Happened all the time. That's why we don't believe 99% of those 'experiences' we hear from the platform unless we know the person personally.
The bible is a letter to the 144,000
by sosoconfused ini don't really remember where i heard this... either at a public talk or a district convention or c.o.
visit or something.. .
my question is, has anyone else in there time with the org heard that said?
Brother of the Hawk
Posting this for our friend who hasn't had his account confirmed yet......
He believes that it was the 'UNITED in WORSHIP' book. I will look and see if I can find the reference
Brother of the Hawk
I am trying this for the second time, I went back to page one to look for any questions I could answer, lets say I won't do that again. I do realize the bible does not say a thing about gambling. What It does condemn is Greediness of dishonest gain. So putting a few coins in a slot machine, in my opinion is not greedy of dishonest gain. What I consider as greedy of dishonest gain is the greed of power the Wt has exerted over all of us. And done so with unjust fear and lies.
For my name Brother of the Hawk. I compete throwing knives and toma hawks and have done so for over 20 years. At one event, which was a big event, (local news papers covered this event) as a smart ass, I started calling my shots, and yep! they all stuck. So I was given the name later at counsel fire. When people ask just how good I am at throwing knives and toma hawks, this is my standard reply.
"I am not the best, certainly not the worst, and when I have to, I can hold my own against anyone." Other than that it's all purely just for fun and relaxation.
In fact, I just started a National knife and toma hawk champoinship
As to being Native American, I am 1/8 Cherokee. If we all look long and hard, all Americans have some Native blood in us.
If 1914 is wrong then how is it that it was such a landmark year?
by awakening inthis is the question that came up in my mind.
now dont get me wrong i know the dates from 607 - 1914 are rubbish, but how would you explain to a witness when they will automatically say, look at the momentus year 1914 was.
that is evidence enough that 607 is correct!.
Brother of the Hawk
Luke 21: 8 says " Look out that you are not misled: for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ' I am he' and 'The appointed due time has approached,' "Do not go after them"
JW's have always been looking to time prophesies, The Daniel book, pg 139 pictures the image, near the feet it points to 1763 as to the birth of the ANGLO-AMERICAN WORLD POWER. Now it has been changed to 1914 and cemented in 1945. Russel pointed to 1874 as to Christs return, then they looked to 1924 as to the end of this system, thus the Millions now living will never die. Lets not forget 1975. My point is this, with as many dates as the JW's have looked to and pointed to, I have to ask this question. In the parable of the 2 slaves at Matt 24: 48-51 and Luke 12: 45-48, Which of the two slaves has a preconceived notion of time? Answer the 'evil slave', so what should that tell us? But we all know there is just no reasoning with these people. I know, I was one for over 40 years.
Brother of the Hawk
Thank you all for your warm welcome and support.
If this is the first time we've had a family group on here, then awesome and it does give hope! Our dear friend has also just signed up and is trying to figure out how to get a picture on his account without using the Gravatar program.
But he will be posting soon.
Brother of the Hawk
Sorry Hit the wrong key. New here. Little background as to the without fear. I have a small business that lends itself to outdoor living for a week at a time. On one occasion I personally chased off three bears from camp, without fear.
Brother of the hawk is a name ceremoniously given to me at one of these events, It does have meaning.
Well after 40 plus years of being in the "Truth" I have come to the conclusion, the more I study, the less I know. WOW!!!!!
I have many experiences that in time I will share, It is sufficient to say I was a Regular pioneer for a while, and served has a MS for 6 plus years. During that time, my priviledges were pulled no less that 3 times, twice I was accused of something I never did, and without hesitation they were pulled "until we {Elders} investigate." Once exonerated, never a sorry for wrongfully doing so. On the third occasion I admitted to putting a few nickles in a slot machine. Two Elders came and visited with me with WT in hand, I accepted and applied the counsel, as I had been trained to do. Approx 3 months later during a CO's visit I was informed the elders did not handle the situation properly and now I was to face a judicial commitee. I asked who brought up a "DEAD MATTER" of course "I dont know" Yeah right!!!!! sounded like a personal agenda to me. Well either way, I escaped to live another day, privileges intact.
Over the years I have been part of the conscience class without even knowing it. If you have followed NewlyEnlightened [My Wife] and gojira_101 [My daughter] threads you can catch glimpses of this.
I know some of you know about my visit with my mother. Here is the conclusion.
First some background for those just seeing this for the first time. My mom, when first introduced to the truth in 1972, was reading tarot cards and was very good at it, she even admitted to just making things up and they ALL came true. She gave up reading the cards of course. Now the weird things as expressed by her. By the way I have a Aunt who also had many problems with demons, her stories would send shivers up and down your spine. She is my mother's best friend. On one occasion my mom who didnot like playing ordinary card games said she did not like doing so because she could sometimes still see things.
On another occasion she expressed while at home she saw an image of me with a black leather jacket on, and almost started a conversation with said image, asking "When did you get home?" just then I came home from school, guess what, with a leather jacket on. There were other things I could mention, but taken as a whole I have to wonder. At one time she mentioned, " It amazes me how in Christ's day people knew how to identify a person with a demon, today people cannot." Almost in a HA HA here I am attitude.
Now I have to ask, What has really changed? When I can see for myself subliminal images in WT lit. And that this is a mind control cult. What has changed?
So now, I go to visit with her with the mind set the demon is still there. The test. Bear in mind prayer is a pet peeve of mine. I hold it absolutly sacred. I loath it when a brother rattles off a prayer like guzzling a bottle of beer. Back to the test, she asked me to say a prayer before eating, I said " I would have like to, but I have to explain something first. I have discovered that the name of Jehovah was a invention of a 13th century Catholic monk, so I will not use it, but I would be happy to use the name YAHWEH. She said no, say your own prayer. Now the scary part, [also bear in mind I am in total control of my own thoughts] as mentioned, I hold prayer very sacred. I bowed my head to say my own prayer and I could not physically say a prayer, I studdered and stammered, I could not even say YAHWEH.
That was the most eerie thing I have ever experienced.
Of course now she has enlightened all my family members that I am now an "Apostate". But remember she rejected the name YAHWEH, for the invented name Jehovah, BTW which the WT openly acknowledges.
Without fear, not only do I have to keep camp free from bears. Now I see, I have to exorcise a DEMON
Thanks to all for the encouragement and support you gave to my wife and daughter, I feel the LOVE and contrary to WT teaching Apostates are not the ones telling lies and spreading HATE!!!!!!!
Brother of the Hawk
WTS vs. Star Trek
by Farkel instar trek claimed to be fantasy and in fact, was fantasy.. wts claims to be the sole truth on earth and in fact, is fantasy.. star trek had spock who solved problems with logic.. wts has a gb who solves problems with bullshit.. star trek had a pompous ass charismatic leader whom everyone loved to watch rant and emote.
wts had three pompous ass charismatic leaders whom everyone hated to watch rant and emote.. captain kirk was always saving his people from new disasters.. wt leaders are always leading its people into new disasters.. star trek made money by always giving its fans the stuff they wanted.. wts makes money by always charging its fans for stuff neither they nor anyone else else wants.. people had fun when star trek came on.. people would rather have a root canal when meetings come on.. star trek was all about making the cosmos a better place for all.. wts is all about making the cosmos a better place for a few and killing everyone else.. people love to go to star trek conventions.. people would rather be in an earthquake than go to wts conventions.. star trek had a transporter room.. people in meetings wish they also had a transporter room.. star trek had lots of insane villains.. wts had judge rutherford and fred franz.
same thing.. star trek also had lots of good guys.. good guys are banished from the wts.. star trek had the klingons who spoke a bizarre language.. wts had fred franz who spoke an even more bizarre language.. star trek had all sorts of devices which could cure most any medical problems, but of course, they were science fiction.. wts had the electronic radio biola which it sold and said could cure most any medical problem, but of course, that was science fiction.. star trek had floppy disks, computers you could talk to and flat screen monitors all of which were about 50 years ahead-of-their time.. wts had vaccines which were called "filthy animal pus", humans hearts which were the seat of all emotions, organ transplants which were cannibalistic, human personalities which were also transferred with blood transfusions and black people turning white by reading their literature, all of which were 100 years behihd-their-time.. if you missed a few star trek episodes in a row, no one came by to harrass you.. if you miss a few meetings in a row, you are in deep shit.. star trek tv shows and movies are still played all the time, even after 47 years.. wts dramas never even play a second time.
Brother of the Hawk
Was Going to save this for another time, but cannot resist. I SEE FOUR LIGHTS !!!!!!!!!!!